This blog is a collection of my writings.
pieces appear in their original versions, sometimes different from
those in print.
a very short tribute to bearded drag queens
Berlin 1961
The United States films the building of the Berlin Wall, and other things as well.
Bike Boy
an attempt to grapple with one of Andy Warhol’s great, neglected “sexploitation” films
Nowhere to Hide
taking a stab at architectural criticism
Odires Mlászho
a too-brief mention of a fascinating artist almost unknown in the Northern Hemisphere
Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before
my essay on contemporary fans of The Smiths and Morrissey
an essay on the films of Curt McDowell, and incidentally, what’s wrong with filmmaking today
A Witch Hunt at Amateur Hour
one of law enforcement’s follies, exhumed from the archives and examined